Because of water from the sink everything behind and below the sink was rotted. There were at least 2 previous renovations to this area where a fusuma door track was removed and a metal and glass door was installed on the shower room, the floor was removed and replaced. A crack in the upper portion of the shower room also allowed water to drain out and rot a floor joist under the shower doorway.

Rock debris from the front yard was placed under the kitchen floor.

Japanese cedar, or sugi, is not generally good for flooring. It is however resistant to water and bug damage. Because I dont wear shoes inside the house, it should be ok. Heavy items can easily gouge the wood, but have given it character when this has happened.

This house was originally built for people about 4' tall. Also, it's supposed to enforce subservience, bowing, etc. Fuck that.

Replacing the shower fusuma door. This door itsel fis from another room, 10cm needed to be cut from the top of it and reassembled. It has yet to be repapered and I will likely use some plastic alternative.